Friday, February 18, 2011

For those of you who don't know what patellar tendonitis is...
which i know was me a couple months ago.

patellar tendonitis: A common injury to the patellar tendon. Also called patellar tendonopathy or jumper's knee because it often occurs in basketball and volleyball and other high impact sports. There may be sudden aching and pain with subsequent swelling just below the kneecap and the knee may feel weak. Treatment includes rest, ice, and medications to relieve pain and reduceinflammation.
-as defined by medicine

you're probably thinking, "with that definition, how could she have been misdiagnosed?" and let me tell you.. i asked myself the same question. because those are the exact syptoms i showed the 1st doctor. down to volleyball and high impact sports. 

Your patellar tendon, covers your knee so it's inflammed right where the tendon connects to the bottom of the knee cap. which is exactly where you feel the pain. 

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